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Oshos Akashic Transmission

"Our body remembers. Memories are stored as a code in the DNA of each cell. Each human body contains memories.

This is of great significance for meditators,because the roots of all human conditionings are there."

"The real liberation, for women and for men, is the liberation from the past, from the old mind, that keeps the whole of humanity in bondage. And at its very root the bondage is biological. For the ultimate transformation to happen, the biological bondage must be broken. And meditation is the only way to the ultimate transformation for a human being.

The real future of humanity is not in the hands of governments or the big organisations. It cannot be. It is up to each individual to realise their hidden potential, their hidden splendour. When human beings stop being followers, stop being sheep, then they are ready to claim their real inheritance as individuals. Every individual has the potential to be a Buddha."

Horst Ludewitz(Nagesh)
Werrastrasse 17
47051 Duisburg
Tel.: 0174-2495516




Jahrgang 1955. Berufliche Tätigkeit als Diplom-Biochemiker und Journalist.
35 Jahre intensive Meditationspraxis.
Zen-Praxis seit 1975
1978 kam ich in Kontakt mit OSHO und begann mit Ausbildung in Meditation, Körperarbeit und Therapie.
Es folgten Ausbildungen in:

  • Hypnose (nach Erickson)
  • Shiatsu
  • Star Sapphire Energiearbeit
  • Bardo Karmic Healing
  • Transomatic Dialogue
  • Akashic Processing
  • Atemarbeit
  • Reiki



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